
Enzymes + Chestnuts


The food ingredient patented by Enzicas is based on a unique production process

Mushrooms as
main characters

Our protagonist is a fungus that we inoculated on chestnuts to develop a natural and functional ingredient that has the ability to accelerate the curing and maturing processes of cheeses and sausages.

By incorporating these biocatalysts into the food industry, we are transforming quality and efficiency standards.

Our Mission

Create long-term value in the food industry through R&D of new ingredients based on advanced fermentation practices that save cost, time, and improve food quality for the end customer.

Our Vision

Create long-term value in the food industry through R&D of new ingredients based on advanced fermentation practices.


Production efficiency

The introduction of biocatalysts in cheese and sausage production improves efficiency in key steps of the production process, reducing ripening times and improving the organoleptic profiles of the final product.

Increased productivity

Efficient production implies a greater quantity of sausage and cheese produced per unit of resources used. This implies a necessary saving in production costs, increasing the final quality of the product.

Improved competitiveness

Efficiency in production helps sausages and cheeses to be more competitive in the national and international market, providing a differential claim based on a gourmet product: chestnuts.

Price stability

Production efficiency contributes to economic stability and facilitates recurring sales in industries by reducing financial risks and leverage through stock held for long periods of time.

Your impact

Economic impact

Enzicas promotes local rural economic stability and growth by encouraging the use of a forest-based ingredient. It also reduces environmental impact and maximizes energy efficiency, thereby reducing operating costs and increasing profitability. This benefits companies, their collaborators and local communities, ensuring sustainable economic development.

Environmental impact

Enzicas promotes sustainable agricultural practices when using chestnuts, as their cultivation helps preserve biodiversity and local ecosystems. Enzicas’ commitment to cleaner and more efficient production minimizes the carbon footprint and reinforces environmental protection.

Social and cultural impact

Enzicas plays an important role in promoting the rural lifestyle and preserving traditions linked to the countryside and natural resources. By using chestnuts as a raw material, it strengthens local economies and supports rural producers, thus contributing to the well-being and prosperity of the most vulnerable communities.

Why chestnuts?

Bosques frondosos

Leafy forests:

Preserving natural biodiversity

Choosing chestnuts as a substrate boosts food innovation and the preservation of forests rich in biodiversity. These ecosystems are home to a variety of plant and animal species, and supporting chestnut cultivation means protecting their vital habitat.

Autochthonous crop:

Traditional roots, revitalized communities

The chestnut, as the basis for our food ingredients, honors traditions and fosters food sovereignty. By promoting an indigenous crop, we strengthen the rural economy and revitalize communities, reaffirming their identity and social fabric.

Cultivos autóctonos


CO2 absorption, environmental sustainability

The chestnut tree is a natural decontaminant. Its growth implies CO2 absorption, helping in the fight against climate change. By choosing chestnut, we opt for a sustainable ingredient that contributes to a greener and more balanced future.